Post Prayer Speech 1947-08-24


Mahatma Gandhi

In thanking the Corporation for the address, Gandhiji said he could not help recalling the late Dr. P. C. Ray under whose roof he had lived for one month in 1901. When he was with the late Deshbandhu, he used to see him with a few friends engaged in lively but strictly scientific conversation under the shadow of the Orchelony Monument near which they had met. That was their recreation. Gandhiji asked Dr. Ray whether they had any drinks or eatables. Dr. Ray emphatically said, “No.” Their food and drink consisted of their instructive as distinct from idle conversation.

Referring to the address, Gandhiji said that this was the third time he was receiving an address from the Corporation. The first was given to him by the Deshbandhu when he was the Mayor.¹ He recalled the fact that the caskets were then auctioned in the interest of the Harijans. He hoped that this casket too would be sold in the same interest by the Mayor.

Lastly, he had heard that Khulna was to celebrate its entry into Pakis tan. He deplored such celebration after the Award. But he was consoled by Shaheed Saheb that the celebration would be joint and that the Hindus were associating with it. Nevertheless, he could not regard the example with happiness. The jubilant parties ought to restrain themselves, as the aggrieved ones should accept the Award with perfect resignation. It must be regarded as final except to the extent that the ministers of the two Dominions agreed to vary it for the mutual satisfaction of the parties concerned. There was no other worthy or gentlemanly way.

Harijan, 7-9-1947


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