By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Today I attended a meeting of the Trustees of the A. I. S. A. and naturally I had to speak for half an hour to the women. If I have the time—for I shall be finishing the speech in 15 minutes —I shall tell you about that today....

Post Prayer Speech 1947-12-05
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, The letters given to me here are sometimes too long. You cannot expect me to go through them and answer them, because it takes time even to read them. I cannot read them here for it would be wasting my time and yours. I have a...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-30
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Yesterday I wanted to mention one point; but since I had to talk about many other things, it was left out. You must have seen that the girls sit on the floor and they feel cold. I had told them that we have plenty of papers and...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-19
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Last evening I referred to the main Resolution on Hindu-Muslim relations passed by the A. I. C. C. But unfortunately today itself I have to cite an instance to show how that Resolution is being rendered futile in Delhi. I had...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-14
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, When I was on fast¹ in the Aga Khan Palace which was turned into a jail to imprison me, Sarojini Devi², Mirabehn³ and Mahadevbhai⁴, this bhajan⁵ had captured me. Here I do not wish to go into the causes of the fast. I...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-08
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Will you fulfil the primary condition that you will not harbour any feeling of anger or revenge against the persons who are raising the objection and sit in silence and concentration till the end of the prayer?¹ I have received...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-07
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, It pains me to know that the Muslims of Tihar¹ and the neighbouring areas have to suffer unnecessary hardships. Many of them are landowners but are unable to till their land for fear of harassment. They have sold away their...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-06
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, I know the name of the writer but I do not intend to reveal his name or the contents of what is written in those two extracts¹. I merely want to say that those articles have been written with the intention of serving Hinduism...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-11-04
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Today only our old courteous friend has objected to the recitation from the Koran. Hence, I would discuss a pathetic letter from a Punjabi Hindu refugee. He has suffered a great deal in the Punjab. And he has objected to the...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-10-28
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, A gentleman from Delhi writes: “I had taken some screens and tents from a Muslim gentleman for the refugees. He has now gone away from here. Where should I keep them now?” He is a gentleman and that is why he is asking what he...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-10-23
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Two persons have written to me: “We are refugees. We are living under the protection of our friends. We are very much troubled on account of the cold weather. Kindly let us know from where we can get blankets and quilts. Is...
Post Prayer Speech 1947-10-12
By Mahatma Gandhi BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Today also quite a few blankets have been received. As for the quilts I may say that they are being made by the mills as well. Those quilts too will be arriving. From the way blankets and quilts are coming, I have started hoping...