Mahatma – Episode 1: Non-violence

Mahatma – Episode 1: Non-violence

Film by India Public Television

Gandhiji had said, “Ahimsa is the means, Truth is the end.” Non-violence to him meant not only a negative state of harmlessness but a positive state of love, of being good even to the evildoer of resisting the wrong-doer through truthfulness, humility, tolerance, compassion, and kindness. It is not a method of coercion but that of conversion, of faith in human goodness, of right means for the just ends.

His concept and practice of non-violence are best exemplified in the suffering that he went through during his last days in Noakhali, Kolkata, Bihar, and Delhi dousing the flames of communal hatred and bringing peace and harmony wherever he went. His end at the hands of an assassin on January 30, 1948, with HEY RAM on his lips, proved his eternal faith in non-violence as the ultimate mission of human civilization.

Mahatma Program Notes by Y.P.Anand
Devised and Designed by Kamalini Dutt
Project Director L.D. Mandloi
Associates: Ved M. Rao and Irfan
From Doordarshan Archives


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